We’re Sharing our Encyclopoodia

Yes, we meant to spell it that way. During our design process, we pulled together images and information on dozens of toilets to get inspiration on ergonomics, aesthetics, function, environment, technology, all the details that go into a toilet that you might otherwise never notice. Then, we decided this document could be useful, inspiring, or enjoyable for others too, so we’re sharing it. Click the thumbnail below, or download it here. We hope you enjoy it!


*Short Disclaimer*- the information in this document was garnered from publicly available material on the internet. All efforts were made to give proper attribution and ensure accuracy, and we apologize for any errors and omissions.

Finally- for all of you who flip through the Encyclopoodia and find yourselves hungering for even more design inspiration (who wouldn’t?), we have been amazed at what you can find by searching Pinterest for Toilets. It’s an industrial designer’s playground.

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